Welcome Back
Hey, D20PRO Fans!
D20PRO Community Manager, Krilion, here. It’s been a while, but things have been moving and shaking– and all for the better! Now that the technical stuff has been worked out, I can bring everyone up to date on the state of affairs in D20PRO land…
The new website is very shiny and I hope you find it as neat as I do. We experienced some hurdles moving everything from previous servers, as well as getting things to all play nice with each other. Now that the kinks have been worked out, we can dive in and start offering blog posts to bring you up-to-date news, tips n’ tricks, and answer all those “how-to” questions.
There has been a many changes to D20PRO itself since I last wrote about it. Here’s a recap:

- v.3.5.7 was released which brought new features and fixes.
- Player editable character sheets
- SRD Add-on
- Syrinscape integration (URI Triggers)
- Expanded Language Support
- …and lots more Check out the forums for full details.
- v.3.6.3 is in OPEN BETA (!) which has some fun and powerful changes for you, the user.
- Shadowcasting is alive! Token lights and map lighting
- Several lingering bugs fixed
- Please post in the forums for questions and bug reports (it is a Beta after all)
Get Your D20PRO Download
We created the D20PRO Archive, which is a file repository for current and older versions of D20PRO. The Archive is mainly for historical purposes or special case needs– if it’s the latest version of the App your are after, you can simply go here. But if you need an older version of the software, you can get it from the Archive here.
D20PRO Marketplace
We have several new vendors in the D20PRO Marketplace, so great new content is incoming. We’re working hard to add more tokens, adventures and other great stuff from more publishers you know and love. This an an area where you can expect to see growth as we cultivate friendships with vendors to bring in new material and fresh content for you to pummel your players with.
The Marketplace itself will be getting some love in the near future. We plan to remove the “gold” system for purchasing (switching to real dollar values), as well as re-formatting the site to make it easier to see and explore products.
Keep an eye out for the monthly sale so you can get quality content for a discount. In coming months, we’ll be adding weekly, and even daily sales, on awesome products! So keep checking back to see what you can get for less proverbial coin.