D20PRO Version 3.7 Now Available
The latest version of D20PRO adds an enhanced rules engine, a bunch of gameplay automation features, better support for 5th edition D&D, a new network connection option and more. Download it now!
D20PRO version 3.7 is here and it introduces a TON of exciting new features and gameplay enhancements. You can download it now from the Get D20PRO page. Read on for feature highlights and a peek at what is coming next.
New Features in D20PRO 3.7
Check out the release notes for a full list of the features and enhancements packed into D20PRO version 3.7. Below are some of the most significant highlights:
- Revamped Rules Engine – Our new modular Rules API and Rule Library enable the creation and customization of rule systems and gameplay behaviors within D20PRO. This includes defining – and interrelating – stats, modifiers, attacks, spells, abilities, items and more. The Rules Engine provides a powerful set of features that will allow D20PRO to support virtually any RPG rule system out there with automation. See below for more details.
- Better support for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons gameplay – D20PRO now natively supports advantage/disadvantage, passive skill rolls, death saves, proficiency, inspiration, class features (including paths, archetypes, domains, arcane traditions, etc.), racial traits, character backgrounds, armor class, immunities, and other core 5th edition D&D rules.
- Improved Pathfinder experience – Now that the Rules Engine is in place, we can better separate out gameplay behavior and UI elements by rule system. That means when your GM creates a Pathfinder campaign, the UI will no longer share space with other game systems (no advantage/disadvantage or inspiration on your Pathfinder character view, for instance). It also means that a lot more Pathfinder-specific customization and automation features are now possible.
- New network connection option to host and join games – You now have the option to host and join games using a publish / subscribe model. No more fussing with firewall and port-forwarding settings!
- Speed by movement type – You can define a speed for each movement type (e.g. base, flying, swimming, burrowing, etc.). You can then select which movement type is active. The game log will display the appropriate description (e.g. “Zaltran flies 40 feet”).
- Ammunition system for weapons – Make every shot count! Keep track of consumable ammunition like arrows, darts, and bullets independent from the weapon itself. So, for example, once you run out of arrows, you still have your bow – you just won’t be able to use it without restocking your supply of arrows.
- Overcasting – This feature allows for spells or abilities to be used at a higher level or cost. For example, under 5e rules, this would enable a wizard to cast magic missile (a 1st level spell) using a higher-level spell slot to gain an additional effect.
- Ability to equip and unequip items – Thanks to our new Rules Engine, items can now have defined features like attacks, modifiers, abilities, and ammunition or charges. The equip/unequip UI takes this a step further, controlling when an item’s features are in effect. For example, if a character picks up a magic sword, all the sword’s attacks, modifiers, and abilities are now available to that character. If the character unequips the sword, all the sword’s capabilities go away.
The New D20PRO Rules Engine
The biggest enhancement introduced with version 3.7 is the Rules Engine. In fact, the Rules Engine is what powers many of the features listed above – and it will enable several more going forward.
The new D20PRO Rules Engine has three primary parts:
Rules API – This is a programming interface to define a rule system and the associated rules logic (modifiers, attacks, effects, etc.). The Rules API will make it possible for us to offer new game systems for use within D20PRO. It will also enable members of our community who know a little JavaScript to create their own rule systems.
We’ve released the basic Rules API framework with 3.7. Future releases will further expand and refine this foundation (for example, allowing a new ruleset to have its own character sheet and UI elements).
As you can imagine, the Rules API sets the stage for some very exciting things for D20PRO!
Rules Library – This is a new menu area within D20PRO where you will be able to edit and create rules and gameplay behaviors for a specific game system (as defined by the Rules API).
The Rules Library menu item consists of five tools:
- Features – Defines actions that occur on the map, whether decisions or attacks, backed by game mechanics. This includes items, special abilities, traits and so on that are not level dependent.
- Spells – Like Features, this tool defines actions that occur on the map, but with a provision for class or level dependency. Think spells that depend on the caster’s level or spell-like abilities.
- Templates – These are usage containers where you can bundle Features and Spells as well as their associated costs (e.g. charges or spell slots). Templates can then be assigned to a Trait or Item (below).
- Traits – You select the appropriate Templates to define and control the usage of associated Feature and Spells by a given class or race. This is where you define what it means in gameplay terms to be a cleric or an elf, for example.
- Items – Like Traits, this tool defines and controls the usage of associated Features and Spells by an Item.
Putting it all together, here is how you would use each tool: Features and Spells are where you create an action and its effects. Templates allows you to bundle Features and Spells while defining usage costs. You assign those templates to Traits or Items so that players and creatures can use them in your campaign.
We’ll have some tutorials to help clarify how this all works in the near future.
Rules Editor UI – The gameplay logic of Features and Spells is editable from within D20PRO using a new Flow view, which is basically a visual scripting editor. Each aspect of a Feature or Spell is defined by adding “nodes” to define the appropriate behavior. This includes things like effect, save, status, area of effect, duration, and flavor text. You can edit the description, short description and GM notes via a rich-text editor.
D20PRO Lets You Play Your Way
What does all the above mean for you? First, it represents a significant enhancement to the gameplay experience within D20PRO. Second, it sets the stage for further feature and content enhancements.
Finally, it also means that no matter what kind of gamer you are, D20PRO has you covered:
- Just want to play your favorite game with friends? Preconfigured rule systems will be coming to the D20PRO Marketplace soon. This will include all the powerful automation of the D20PRO Rules Engine already set up and ready for you to start playing right away.
- Are you a GM who likes to play with house rules or homebrew content? No problem. The Rules Library and Editor will allow you to customize your game any way you like.
- Want to build a rule system from scratch and you have some basic programming skills in JavaScript? You can dig into the Rules API and create or customize entire rule systems from the ground up.
As you can see, there is quite a bit of RPG gaming goodness packed into D20PRO 3.7, but there are even more new features and content on the way. It is going to be a very exciting summer for D20PRO. Stay tuned!
Don’t have D20PRO yet?
D20PRO automates the complex elements of RPG gameplay – while preserving full GM control – so groups can focus on the roleplaying experience.
Download our free trial to see how D20PRO can level up your next campaign.